Our charges following your first free session for Mentoring and Counselling are $40 per half hour session on Live chat.
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John and Kate at Mayfair Recording Studios, London
in the '80's.
Talk your problem over with us
We don't just specialise in music and business, we specialise in survival and living life to your full potential. Life coaching maybe with a little more input. Explore through your own personal workshop from two true gurus of the music industry with 35 years experience of running a business. Having someone who's been there, done it and knows the pitfalls to discuss ideas or problems with is invaluable.
John once said "it's like we've been to the moon and back" and that's so true. We have experienced exhilarating success, and the devasting lows that go with loss. So we know how you feel - both success and failure bring their own problems.First half hour consultation FREE
Don't be shy - ask for help.
A world of life experience
John is world famous for recording 167 hit records, and for creating, building and running the technical side, as well as recording and mixing many of the hit records of renown Mayfair Recording Studios in London. He also has a Degree in Electronics.
Co-creator Kate is known for her role as joint CEO with John, and nonna/agony aunty to the stars of Mayfair for the 35 years the studios thrived. To underpin this whole of life experience, Kate has a Diploma in Counselling and a Degree in Behavourial Sciences - BBS (Psych).

Definitely been there
We've met just about every situation in our life of being in business, we've been through everything, so let our real life experience and knowledge be your inspiration. We've dealt with banks, and accountants and lawyers for a lifetime, and Kate's even written a book about it.
Despite everything we survived and we continued to thrive, and so can you. We can help you avoid so many of the pitfalls in life - there is nothing like knowing.
In your life YOU can make wonderful things happen - Have courage, and be brave
You might not start out courageous. Changing is a slow process, so don't try to rush it. Just one step at a time. Each new thing (especially bad things) that we face makes us wiser, stronger and braver, and it is bravery we need more than anything to get through life. Tough times do pass, and a new you can emerge.
We are starting out small on this site, and want to keep this personal - very much one to one. If you want to join in the discussion add you voice to the forum on our home page or join us on Facebook: Good thinking, Good life Facebook Page
Before we go any further, I am asked to remind you that any information presented on this product is solely for informational purposes only. We make no guarantee that any of the information is accurate or complete. It is purely our opinion based on many years of experience. We cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by misuse of the product or reliance on any of the information or advice provided here. You must make your own decisions.
This is NOT LEGAL or PROFESSIONAL ADVICE! Any use of the product is SOLELY at your own risk.
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